Sunday, May 10, 2009

rough time

well today sucks... All I want is to be a mother instead I am a women who suffers from infertility and well let me tell you it sucks.

I was suppose to go to the hospital on Tuesday to get an HSG and Ultrasound, so I had my period (AF- Aunt Flo) for 14 days and well all was going well. THEN Saturday we drive 1 hour and 40 mins and I get to walmart and what do I notice AF are you kidding me OMG!! So now it sucks... I have to cancel all my appointments.

Why can't things work out in our time, God has his hand and I wonder what he has planned.

Anyways Happy Mother's Day to those mother's out there and those that want to be a mother

1 comment:

Leslee said...

I'm right there with you girl! Today was super hard. It's over though! There is next yr! Hopefully God will have it in his plans to call us mother then! :) *hugs*