Well its coming to an end, crazy how life takes us.
Even though I am excited to be moving close to my family, I am very sad to be leaving my life behind here in London. There are many things I am going miss, I really wish Elkford was like a 5 hour drive away from London and I would never move.
Have you ever thought I would be a person to have second thoughts and cold feet lol, come on I am moving home, moving close to my family, close to my friends. But I am moving far away from what my life has been.
Things I will miss about London:
Hot Air Balloons- Won't see those in Elkford, I get excited when I see one in the London and they fly over my house twice a day usaully!
Walmart- Damn rights closest walmart 1 hour and half away like seriously people, its only a 4 minute drive at that! And its a Super Walmart!
Tim Hortons- Closest one is 45 minutes away, not like I can drink an ice cap everyday now.
Shopping/Malls- Well here I can go to the mall and of course I am moving Bath and Body opened its doors.
Restraunts- Wonder Sushi, Thaun Kieu and all the other good places we have gone.
Friends- Our church friends, and ex co-workers
Our house- yes I will miss it, its the first house we ever bought and now its going up for sale today.
Being close to things- 2 hour drive to Toronto, 1 hour to the states, 9 hours to NYC.. 6 hours to Chicago where I never got to go.
Our church- Its massive and we have spent 5 years there, we are both active in the church.
Doctors- A good family doctor and a good specialist
I am going to Miss London and am getting very sad.
But I do get...
My family- my mom,dad,brother, sister in law and Niece, my 2 best friends even though one will live 6 hours away.
The mountains- The view, to go skiing, the wildlife
No Job- thats right I get to be unemployed meaning I get me time, time for me to focus on my weight issue and work my ass off every day at the gym, swimming, walknig with friends
Camp- My parents have a place on Moyie Lake, I get to spend every weekend there and all summer if I want there. Relaxing mountain fresh air
Yes I know there are a lot of better things in london but not physical wise.
Evan leaves in 4 more sleeps, wow its so real he has 4 more work days with TD then he is done.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time. I may not bring you much on this blog
anymore, but stocking stuffers? Reporting for duty. I will not fail you on
4 months ago